Oct 6, 2023
Discovery Park (Sacramento, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 2nd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
Third Eye Intro(Intro)
1. Jambi
3 of 28
426 of 469
2. The Pot
3 of 25
210 of 236
3. Fear Inoculum
3 of 30
111 of 161
4. Pushit
Adam teased the Salival version as an intro
2 of 4
275 of 277
5. Rosetta Stoned
2 of 28
219 of 268
6. Forty Six & 2
2 of 12
659 of 671
7. Pneuma
3 of 30
111 of 161
8. The Grudge
3 of 30
331 of 379
9. Invincible
3 of 30
135 of 185
10. Stinkfist
3 of 12
788 of 809
11. Swamp SongTour DebutLiberation
1 of 9
146 of 154
12. ÆnemaTour DebutLiberation
1 of 8
623 of 630