Jun 1, 2002
Goffertpark (Nijmegen, Gelderland)
Tour Rarity Rank: 30th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. The Grudge
31 of 119
127 of 379
(-) Ions(Intro)
2. Stinkfist
31 of 119
277 of 809
3. Parabola
30 of 118
126 of 337
4. Schism
31 of 119
127 of 642
5. Forty Six & 2
9 of 40
211 of 671
6. Ticks & Leeches
9 of 11
12 of 27
7. Triad
With Dave Lombardo and Mike Bordin
30 of 118
62 of 150
8. Opiate
10 of 30
299 of 425
9. Lateralus
31 of 119
126 of 516