Dec 10, 1993
Huntridge Theater (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Tour Rarity Rank: 55th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
Pre-Show Performance w/ Santa (Probably Paul)(Intro)
1. Cold and Ugly
21 of 62
34 of 114
2. Intolerance
w/ False Start
70 of 122
70 of 210
3. Sober
77 of 134
95 of 638
4. Undertow
49 of 94
51 of 139
22 of 66
27 of 98
6. Prison Sex
62 of 117
62 of 233
7. Swamp Song
24 of 59
40 of 154
8. Sweat
16 of 32
34 of 114
9. Opiate
Bridges into Flood
56 of 102
70 of 425
10. Flood
41 of 84
43 of 225
11. Jerk-Off
46 of 58
60 of 87