Nov 5, 1996
Mammoth Events Center (Denver, Colorado)
Tour Rarity Rank: 79th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Third Eye
7 of 82
7 of 164
2. Stinkfist
12 of 146
19 of 809
3. Forty Six & 2
12 of 132
12 of 671
4. Prison Sex
7 of 76
124 of 233
5. Eulogy
12 of 142
18 of 179
6. Jimmy
11 of 39
11 of 43
7. Cold and UglyTour Debut
1 of 23
76 of 114
8. Pushit
7 of 85
15 of 277
9. Merkaba
9 of 83
9 of 104
10. Sober
12 of 149
164 of 638
11. Opiate
12 of 128
128 of 425
12. ÆnemaEncore
12 of 137
16 of 630