May 14, 2019
Sprint Center (Kansas City, Missouri)
Tour Rarity Rank: 1st

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Ænema
6 of 9
555 of 630
2. The Pot
6 of 9
109 of 236
3. Parabol
5 of 7
195 of 247
4. Parabola
6 of 9
273 of 337
5. Descending
6 of 9
63 of 203
6. Schism
6 of 9
564 of 642
7. Invincible
6 of 9
6 of 185
8. Part of MeTour DebutLiberation
first since 29 Aug. 1998
1 of 2
54 of 74
9. Jambi
6 of 9
356 of 469
10. Forty Six & 2
6 of 9
589 of 671
11. Chocolate Chip Trip
5 of 7
28 of 191
12. Vicarious
5 of 7
297 of 357
(-) Ions(Intro)
13. Stinkfist
6 of 9
716 of 809