Jun 23, 2019
Val de Moine (Clisson, Pays de la Loire)
Tour Rarity Rank: 3rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
Third Eye Intro(Intro)
1. Ænema
11 of 15
569 of 630
2. The Pot
11 of 15
123 of 236
3. Parabol
6 of 8
203 of 247
4. Parabola
11 of 15
287 of 337
5. Descending
11 of 15
77 of 203
6. Schism
11 of 15
578 of 642
7. Invincible
11 of 15
20 of 185
8. Intolerance
8 of 11
166 of 210
9. Jambi
11 of 15
370 of 469
10. Forty Six & 2
11 of 15
603 of 671
11. Part of Me
4 of 5
59 of 74
12. Vicarious
9 of 13
308 of 357
(-) Ions(Intro)
13. Stinkfist
11 of 15
730 of 809