Jan 10, 2020
Viejas Arena (San Diego, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 15th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Fear Inoculum
28 of 49
28 of 161
2. Ænema
28 of 49
601 of 630
3. Parabol
27 of 42
232 of 247
4. Parabola
28 of 46
319 of 337
5. Pneuma
28 of 49
28 of 161
6. Schism
27 of 48
609 of 642
7. A Passage to BangkokTour DebutSong DebutCover
partial; usually played as intro to 'Cold and Ugly'. They did it this night to honor Neil Peart
1 of 1
1 of 1
8. Jambi
28 of 49
402 of 469
9. Vicarious
27 of 45
339 of 357
10. Descending
11 of 20
92 of 203
11. Forty Six & 2
28 of 48
635 of 671
12. Chocolate Chip Trip
Danny played Rush tinged drum solo at the end; with pictures of Neil Peart and Danny on screens
27 of 48
64 of 191
13. Invincible
28 of 49
52 of 185
14. Stinkfist
28 of 49
762 of 809