Jun 9, 2019
Zeppelinfeld (Nuremberg, Bavaria)
Tour Rarity Rank: 11th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Ænema
5 of 15
563 of 630
2. The Pot
5 of 15
117 of 236
3. Parabola
5 of 15
281 of 337
4. Descending
5 of 15
71 of 203
5. Schism
5 of 15
572 of 642
6. Invincible
5 of 15
14 of 185
7. Intolerance
4 of 11
162 of 210
8. Jambi
5 of 15
364 of 469
9. Forty Six & 2
5 of 15
597 of 671
10. Part of Me
2 of 5
57 of 74
11. Stinkfist
w/ extended bridge
5 of 15
724 of 809