May 19, 2022
Ziggo Dome (Amsterdam, North Holland)
Tour Rarity Rank: 4th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
Litanie contre la Peur(Intro)
1. Fear Inoculum
53 of 57
102 of 161
2. Opiate
34 of 37
422 of 425
3. The Pot
False start Adam so changed guitar
52 of 56
201 of 236
4. Pushit
53 of 57
267 of 277
5. Pneuma
53 of 57
102 of 161
6. The Grudge
53 of 57
322 of 379
7. The Patient
24 of 26
146 of 151
8. 7empest
4 of 4
11 of 11
9. Chocolate Chip Trip
53 of 56
138 of 191
10. Culling Voices
50 of 53
50 of 87
11. Invincible
53 of 57
126 of 185
Dancing Queen(Intro)Cover